Automatic Campaign

Coded Coupon & Automatic Campaign In-Store Newsletter

Running a business can be an exciting and rewarding venture, but it can also be challenging, particularly in difficult economic times. In such circumstances utilizing discounts, coupons, and other types of offers can prove to be an effective method for attracting and retaining customers who are increasingly seeking value. 


One reliable strategy for engaging both new and existing customers is to use Coded Coupons. This user-friendly promotional tool enables you to provide buyers with a discount using a customizable coupon code. The code can be shared publicly on eBay or privately through your own marketing channels, such as social media.

4 Key Benefits of Coded Coupons:

  • Delight customers and drive repeat purchases: Coded Coupons enable you to retain customers by incentivizing them to return to your business.
  • Offer discounts on your terms: your Coded Coupons can be set to provide price reductions, percentage discounts or multi-item offers. You can also protect your margins and/or control your budget by setting expiry dates or minimum spend amounts for each coupon.
  • Target specific groups of buyers: you can send your Coded Coupons to predefined selections of your buyers. For example, you could reach out to buyers who had bought from you in the past month or the past year, and/or who had purchased particular product category or categories?
  • Engage audiences on social media: Coded Coupons can help you to engage your existing audience, or incentivize  new customers to follow your channels. Ultimately this will drive more traffic to your eBay Store and increase sales.

To use Coded Coupon, simply select the Marketing tab in Seller Hub, and from there you’ll find everything you need to create a campaign. 


To achieve success in any campaign, it is crucial to create awareness. So our Store Newsletter tool now includes a new feature called "Automatic Campaign".  


With this feature, you can create a newsletter template in advance, even before setting up a product promotion. The feature will then automatically send out the newsletter without requiring any additional effort from you. This approach can provide significant benefits in the long run.

How does “Automatic Campaign” work?

You can setup a campaign before or after you have created a promotion. Once the system detects that there is an active promotion, it will trigger to send out the newsletter to the selected audience group on daily basis

1. Go to Seller Hub > Store > Store newsletter – Click “Create campaign”.

2. Select the template and click “Next”.

Note: Only Coupons, Sale event + markdown, Order discount template have the “Automatic Campaign” option.  

3. Select your targeted audience under Recipients. You may customize your subject title as you wish. Once done, click “Next”.

4. Turn on “Automatically send out latest promotions”. Customize the message and click “Next”.

Note: As there is no selected promotions, you would not be able to select the listings to be shown in the newsletter. It will be populated based on “Best Match”. 

5. Review your campaign, if everything is in place click “Activate”.


The newsletter will first show an “error status. Once the seller creates a promotion, the system will automatically re-run the errored newsletter and send it out to the applicable audience.  

The system will select the latest promotion by reference to the promotion’s effective date. 

Currently, “Automatically send out latest promotions” is only available in Coupons, Sale events, markdowns and Order discount.

Yes, however a buyer will receive no more than 1 newsletter from the same seller in any 14 day period.

No, buyer will only receive 1 newsletter from the same seller in 14 days. If seller wants to manually create a newsletter specifically for a promotion, he can pause the Automatic Campaign first.

We will use the “Best Match” tool to select eligible items to be shown in the newsletter.